Statutory Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane
April 21, 2020
6:00 pm @ Roane County Schools Central Office, Spencer, WV
This agenda is available to the public upon request at any time during regular business hours preceding the upcoming Roane County Board of Education meeting. Public attendance is welcomed and encouraged. This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the County School System's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Per Roane County Board of Education Policy 020, a time for public participation is provided during regular meetings only unless otherwise noted on this agenda. The Board reserves the right to amend this agenda with emergency personnel/financial matters which may arise after publication.
- This meeting was held virtually / telephonically. The public could join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the provided conference ID or by joining on Microsoft Teams using the provided link.
- Presentations
- Positively Charged
- Public Participation
- Student Achievement
- New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
- Update on BOE operations during statewide school closure due to COVID-19 outbreak
- Roane County WVU Extension Budget Presentation
- Approval of bids related to bond construction program
- Paving and lighting at Spencer Middle School and Walton Elementary Middle School - West Virginia Paving, Inc., with base bid of $385,650; add alternate #1 for $111,500; add alternate #2 for $21,700; add alternate #3 for $8,700
- Safe Schools Entrances at Spencer Elementary School and Roane County High School - Grae-Con Construction, Inc., with base bid of $419,000; add alternate #1 for $12,500
- Consideration and possible adoption of bus schedules for the 2020-21 school year
- Renewal of Probationary Contracts for the 2020-21 School Year (current position and contract type for 2020-21 is noted)
- Administrative
- Robin McQuain, Assistant Principal, Spencer Elementary School (continuing)
- Robin Stump, Assistant Principal, Spencer Middle School (continuing)
- Service Personnel
- Joyce Barker, Cook II, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Stephenie Watson, Cook II, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Shyrick Schoolcraft, General Maintenance / Sanitation Plant Operator (probationary)
- Carrie Nester, Cook II, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Jonathan Miller, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Toni McGinnis, Aide, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Timothy McCumbers, General Maintenance / Electrician II (continuing)
- Melissa Huffman, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Terry Goodwin, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Geneva Cross, Cook II, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Zachary Westlake, Electronics Technician II (probationary)
- Michael Huffman, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Jamie Brisendine, Custodian III, Geary / Walton (probationary)
- Bridget Carpenter, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Kathleen Cobb, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Stephanie Gibson, LPN / Aide, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Richard Greathouse, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Eric Harper, Custodian III, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Timothy Miller, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Ricky Rucker, Custodian III, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Shannon Salisbury, Aide / ECCAT, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Thomas Sherry, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Joseph Skaggs, Bus Operator (probationary)
- Joseph Westfall, Custodian III, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Jeremiah Hively, Custodian III, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Chrsytal Ash, Cook II, Spencer Elementary School (continuing)
- Allison Blosser, Aide / ECCAT, Spencer Elementary School (continuing)
- Carol Chapman, LPN / Aide, Walton Elementary Middle School (continuing)
- Philip Howard, Bus Operator (continuing)
- Deborah Huffman, Secretary II / Accountant II, Roane County High School (continuing)
- Patricia May, Bus Operator (continuing)
- Jackie Roberts, Bus Operator (continuing)
- Lisa Short, LPN / Aide, Spencer Elementary School (continuing)
- Lois Sloan, Aide / ECCAT, Walton Elementary Middle School (continuing)
- Warren Starcher, Bus Operator (continuing)
- Professional Personnel
- Randy Ash, Technology Systems Specialist (probationary)
- Jessica Bailey, School Social Worker (probationary)
- Lacey Cale, Teacher / Health, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Jody Cottrell, School Nurse (probationary)
- Megan DiLorenzo, Teacher / Special Education, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Jonathan Goff, Teacher / Music, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Savannah Harper, Teacher / Special Education, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Rachael Heis, Teacher / English (6th Grade), Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Adam Holcomb, Teacher / Special Education, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Andrew Leaptrot, Technology Systems Specialist (probationary)
- Katlin Marshall, Teacher / 5th Grade, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Amy Nichols, Teacher / 5th Grade, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Baylee O'Brien, Teacher / Title I, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Thennarasu Pachaiyappan, Teacher / Special Education, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Allison Parski, Teacher / Math, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Matthew Peery, Teacher / Special Education, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Nathanial Perry, Technology Systems Specialist (probationary)
- Nadjah Samsodin, Teacher / Science, Roane County High School
- Anita Seabolt, Teacher / Science, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Anna Shaffer, School Psychologist (probationary)
- Michele Simmons, Teacher / PE, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Clarissa Tallman, Teacher / 5th Grade, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Rebekah Ricks, Teacher / Music, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Samantha Kidwell, Teacher / Agriculture & FFA Advisor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Emilee Kibble, Teacher / Special Education, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Matthew Hayes, Teacher / English, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Kelly Hall, Teacher / 4th Grade, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Christopher Blosser, Teacher / Social Studies, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Rebecca Wiseman-Keaton, Teacher / English, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Lea Ashby, Teacher / English, Geary Elementary Middle School (continuing)
- Elaine Ashman, Teacher / Art, Spencer Middle School (continuing)
- Ivory Boatright, Teacher / 6th Grade, Spencer Middle School (continuing)
- Morgan Lloyd, Counselor, Walton Elementary Middle School (continuing)
- Deborah Ryan, Teacher / Special Education, Spencer Middle School (continuing)
- Breanne Salisbury, Speech Language Pathologist, Spencer Elementary School (continuing)
- Substitutes
- Kourtney Stump-Cohen, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Jane Clarkson, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Mandana Tallman, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Meghan Sinclair, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Joy Proctor, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Preston Patton, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Brad Mullins, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Jordan Mills, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Timothy Metzger, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Alexander Keiffer, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Jacqueline James, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Megan Giles, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- David Gibson, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Ashley Mills, Substitute Teacher (probationary)
- Stacey Anderson, Substitute Secretary (probationary)
- Eric Chaney, Substitute Bus Operator (probationary)
- Jane Clarkson, Substitute Aide (probationary)
- Richard Elmore, Substitute Bus Operator (probationary)
- Richard Elmore, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Tracy Harper, Substitute Cook (probationary)
- Katlynn Hildreth, Substitute Aide (probationary)
- Vickie LeBlond, Substitute Cook (probationary)
- Vickie LeBlond, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Frankie Marks, Substitute Bus Operator (probationary)
- Bradford Nichols, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Donald Casto, Substitute Bus Operator (probationary)
- Donald Casto, Substitute Aide (probationary)
- Sarah Burns, Substitute Cook (probationary)
- Curtis Boggs, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- John Baker, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Tammie Nichols, Substitute LPN / Aide (probationary)
- Jennifer O'Brien, Substitute Aide (probationary)
- Jeffrey Redman, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Robert Reed, Substitute Cook (probationary)
- Robert Reed, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Christopher Taylor, Substitute Custodian (probationary)
- Extracurricular Assignments
- Elaine Ashman, Social Media Coordinator, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Ashley Barker, Student Council Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Scotty Blackwell, Softball Coach, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Angela Burdette, Assistant Softball Coach, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Bridgette Casto, Prom Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Bridgette Casto, Homecoming Sponsor, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- James Chandler, Assistant Track Coach, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Jane Clarkson, Assistant Boys Track Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Joseph Cottrell, Technology Support Coordinator, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Shannon Cottrill, Robotics Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Lonnie Craft, Assistant Softball Coach, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Megan DiLorenzo, Assistant Girls Track Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Natalie Garner, Yearbook Advisor, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Stephanie Gibson, Assistant Volleyball Coach, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- John Gray, Senior Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Erika Harper, Math Field Day Sponsor, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Matthew Hayes, Broadcast Journalism Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Matthew Hayes, Social Media Coordinator, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Matthew Hayes, Robotics Sponsor, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Jennifer Hunt, Social Media Coordinator, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- April Kidd, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Toni McGinnis, Boys Track Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Allison Miller, Social Media Coordinator, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Allison Miller, Technology Support Coordinator, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Ashley Mills, Boys Basketball Coach, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Jordan Mills, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Walton Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Amy Nichols, Assistant Volleyball Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Kenneth Osborne, Math Field Day Sponsor, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Kenneth Osborne, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Matthew Peery, Freshman Boys Basketball Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- John Pena, Assistant Wrestling Coach, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Rebekah Ricks, Assistant Band Coach, Roane County High School (probationary)
- Anita Seabolt, Science Fair Sponsor (probationary)
- Mario Sotomayor, Assistant Soccer Coach, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Mario Sotomayor, Assistant Track Coach, Spencer Elementary School (probationary)
- Britney Spencer, Yearbook Advisor, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Britney Spencer, Boys Basketball Coach, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Christopher Taylor, Track Coach, Spencer Middle School (probationary)
- Brittney Vaughan, Social Media Coordinator, Geary Elementary Middle School (probationary)
- Administrative
- Appoint Andrew Metheney as Treasurer of the Board for 2020-21 School Year per WV Code 18-9-6
- Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following consent agenda, as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Approval of minutes of Regular board meeting on April 9, 2020
- Financial
- Transfers/supplements to the budget
- Payments of bills as submitted; Pre-approval of released checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
- Financial Reports
- Levy Rates FY 2021
- General Current Expenses - $3,143,140
- Class I - 19.40 cents per $100
- Class II - 38.80 cents per $100
- Class III & IV - 77.60 cents per $100
- Bond Levy - $779,675
- Class I - 4.98 cents per $100
- Class II - 9.96 cents per $100
- Class III & IV - 19.92 cents per $100
- General Current Expenses - $3,143,140
- Policies
- Contract(s) / Agreement(s) / Bid(s)
- Lease Agreement with Country Roads Leasing re: financing expanded phone system equipment
- Fieldtrip(s)
- Volunteer(s)
- Student Transfer(s)
- Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Reports of Committees
- Roane-Jackson Technical Center Administrative Council (4/21/2020)
- Superintendent's Remarks
- Adjournment
- Adjourn until the regular meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020, at a time and place to be determined.