Statutory Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane
April 20, 2021
6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV
This agenda is available to the public upon request at any time during regular business hours preceding the upcoming Roane County Board of Education meeting. Public attendance is welcomed and encouraged. This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the County School System's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Per Roane County Board of Education Policy 020, a time for public participation is provided during regular meetings only unless otherwise noted on this agenda. The Board reserves the right to amend this agenda with emergency personnel/financial matters which may arise after publication.
- This meeting could be joined remotely. The public can join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the provided conference ID or by joining on Microsoft Teams using the provided link.
- Reconvene the regular meeting of March 25, 2021, per WV Code 11-8-12.
- Presentations
- Positively Charged
- Public Participation
- Student Achievement
- New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
- School Building Authority Needs Grant for a new Spencer Middle School
- Legislative Update
- Planning for 2021-22 through 2023-24
- Reassignments and New Positions to Reduce Class Sizes under ESSERF 2 Plan
- Reassign Lori May, Teacher / 3rd & 4th Grades, Walton Elementary Middle School, to Teacher / 3rd Grade, Walton Elementary Middle School
- Create Teacher / 4th Grade, Walton Elementary Middle School (1 position)
- Create Teacher / 3rd Grade, Spencer Elementary School (1 position)
- Consideration and possible action regarding an RFP for student technology devices
- Consideration and possible action regarding policies and administrative guidelines enacted during COVID-19 emergency
- e560.i - Emergency Administrative Guidelines on Personal Leave During COVID-19 Crisis
- Policy e560.1 - Local COVID-19 Leave During COVID-19 Crisis
- e410.i - Emergency Administrative Guidelines on Enrollment Options During COVID-19 Crisis
- e220.v - Emergency Administrative Guidelines on Virtual School Enrollment
- Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following consent agenda, as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Approval of minutes of Regular Board Meeting on April 8, 2021
- Financial
- Transfers/supplements to the budget
- Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
- Financial Reports
- Levy Rates FY 2022
- General Current Expenses - $ 3,430,710
- Class I - 19.40 cents per $100
- Class II - 38.80 cents per $100
- Class III & IV - 77.60 cents per $100
- Bond Levy - $ 789,175
- Class I - 4.62 cents per $100
- Class II - 9.24 cents per $100
- Class III & IV - 18.48 cents per $100
- General Current Expenses - $ 3,430,710
- Policies
- Contract(s) / Bid(s)
- Field Trips
- Volunteers
- Student Transfers
- 1 Student transfer from Ohio County Schools to Roane County Schools
- Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Create New Position(s)
- Teacher / 2nd Grade (SES), 200 days, effective July 1, 2021
- Teacher / 4th Grade (WEMS), 200 days, effective July 1, 2021
- Resignation(s)
- Ashman, Elaine - Teacher / Art (Spencer Middle School), effective June 30, 2021
- New Employment(s)
- Bass, Tracy - Substitute bus operator (RCS - Substitutes), effective April 21, 2021, pending certification
- Strickland, Orville - Substitute bus operator (RCS - Substitutes), effective April 21, 2021, pending certification
- _______________________ - Director of Student Support Services (RCS - Student Support Services), effective April 29, 2021
- Camp, Haley - Substitute teacher (RCS - Substitutes), effective May 10, 2021, pending receipt of bachelor's degree
- Burdette, Angela - Summer SOLE Credit Recovery Facilitator (Roane County High School), effective June 7, 2021
- Ford, Toby - Summer SOLE Credit Recovery Facilitator (Roane County High School), effective June 7, 2021
- Rector, Suzanne - Summer SOLE Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Ward, Cari - Summer SOLE Teacher (Spencer Elementary School), effective June 14, 2021
- Shepherd, Lisa - Summer SOLE Teacher (Spencer Elementary School), effective June 14, 2021
- Coon, Alicia - Summer SOLE Teacher (Spencer Elementary School), effective June 14, 2021
- Kendall, Deana - Summer SOLE Teacher (Spencer Elementary School), effective June 14, 2021
- Mills, Ashley - Summer SOLE Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Hays, Andrea - Summer SOLE Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Penfold, JuliAnna - Summer SOLE Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Underwood, Lana - Summer SOLE Teacher (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Tanner, Lorra - Summer SOLE Teacher (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Boggs, Sati - Summer SOLE Enrichment Facilitator (Roane County High School), effective June 14, 2021
- Lesher, David - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Waggoner, Jennifer - Summer SOLE Custodian (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Evans, Joyce - Summer SOLE Custodian (Roane County High School), effective June 18, 2021
- Baker, John - Summer SOLE Custodian (Roane County High School), effective June 18, 2021
- Hughes, Michael - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Rhodes, Jason - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- McGlothlin, Vicki - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Mullen, Richard - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Stockner, Curtis - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- May, Edward - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Whited, Daniel - Summer SOLE Bus Operator (RCS - Operations), effective June 18, 2021
- Deel, Toney - Summer SOLE Custodian (Spencer Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Rucker, Ricky - Summer SOLE Custodian (Spencer Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Stockner, Shannon - Summer SOLE Cook (Roane County High School), effective June 18, 2021
- Freeland, Tina - Summer SOLE Cook (Roane County High School), effective June 18, 2021
- Marks, Sarah - Summer SOLE Cook (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Allen, Cindy - Summer SOLE Custodian (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Cross, Geneva - Summer SOLE Cook (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Strickland, Melissa - Summer SOLE Cook (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Sutphin, Kelly - Summer SOLE Cook (Spencer Elementary School), effective June 18, 2021
- Nester, Carrie - Summer SOLE Cook (Spencer Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Extracurricular(s)
- Brown, Cynthia - Academic Recovery Facilitator (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective April 21, 2021
- Create New Position(s)
- Reports of Committees
- Roane-Jackson Technical Center Administrative Council (4/20/2021)
- Superintendent's Remarks
- Adjournment
- Adjourn until the next regular meeting, Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 6:00 pm at Roane County High School