Roane County Schools

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane

October 8, 2024

6:00 pm @ Spencer Middle School, Spencer, WV

  1. This meeting could be joined remotely. The public could join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the provided conference ID or by joining on Microsoft Teams using the provided link.
  2. Presentations
    1. Positively ChargedAttendance efforts are being made across the county. Our attendance director, Ms. Ash, recently recognized Walton Elementary Middle School for having the top attendance rate in August and September.
    2. Public Participation
    3. Student Achievement
  3. New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
    1. Review of October 1 Enrollment and Personnel
    2. Review of Facility Needs and Potential Expenses through 2030
    3. Consideration of Release of Retainage to City Construction Company for the new Spencer Middle SchoolMotion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by Daris Harper to go into closed session to discuss legal matters. Motion carried. (7:10 pm)Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by James Minney to return to open session. Motion carried. No action was taken in closed session. (7:29 pm)
    4. Updates on Continuing Business
      1. Property Matters Involving the Capitol Street Complex, Goff Run Complex, and old Spencer High School
      2. Network and Communications Updates
      3. Excess Levy Ballot for November 5, 2024
  4. Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Daris Harper and seconded by James Minney to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (7:39 pm)
    1. Approval of minutes of the regular board meeting on September 26, 2024.
    2. Finance
      1. Transfers/supplements to the budget
      2. Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
      3. Financial Reports
    3. Policies
      1. Third reading and adoption
        1. Policy 221 - Program of Study for Early Learning Programs (Grades PK through 5) (revised)
        2. Policy 547 - Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL Holders (new)
    4. Contract(s) / Bid(s) / Agreement(s)
      1. MOU with Glenville State University for LevelUp Program
      2. 2024-25 Pre-K Collaborative Budget
    5. Field Trips
    6. Volunteers
    7. Student Transfers
  5. Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (7:41 pm)
    1. Resignation(s)
      1. Smith, Daphne - Robotics Sponsor (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective September 27, 2024
      2. Jones, Kelly - Teacher / 3rd Grade (Spencer Elementary School), effective October 1, 2024
      3. Lawson, Samantha - Teacher / Wellness (Roane County High School), effective October 14, 2024
    2. New Employment(s)
      1. Summers, Abigail - Aide / Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective October 14, 2024, from the substitute list
      2. Laughlin, Jami - Counselor (Geary EMS (50%), Walton EMS (50%)), effective October 28, 2024
    3. Transfer(s)
      1. Myers, Kristen - Teacher / Math (Spencer Middle School) to Teacher / 3rd Grade (Spencer Elementary School), effective July 1, 2025
      2. Tolley, Kaleena - Teacher / 4th Grade (Walton Elementary / Middle School) to Teacher / Title I (Spencer Middle School), effective July 1, 2025
      3. Marshall, Katlin - Teacher / 5th Grade (Spencer Middle School) to Teacher / 3rd Grade (Spencer Elementary School), effective July 1, 2025
  6. Reports of Committees
    1. Roane Jackson Technical Center Administrative Council (9/25/2024)The bid to construct Building E was approved for Swope Construction. Enrollment in the LPN program is down but may increase soon. We are also not getting as much interest as was expected in the CDL program.
  7. Superintendent's RemarksAt the festival, be sure to check out the RJTC booth behind the courthouse. RCHS will also set up close by.
  8. AdjournmentMotion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (7:45 pm)
    1. Adjourn until the next regular meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 6:00 pm at Spencer Middle School.