Roane County Schools

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane

December 12, 2024

6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV

  1. This meeting can be joined remotely. The public can join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the conference ID 838 018 12 or by joining on Microsoft Teams using this link.
  2. Presentations
    1. Positively ChargedCongratulations to Jonathan Goff. He has become our second National Board Certified Teacher. Roane County Raiders take on the Frankfort Falcons in the class AA State Championship game tomorrow night at UC Stadium (formerly Laidley Field).
    2. Public ParticipationChad Perkins, WEMS parent, spoke of his concerns on his FOIA request, conflicts of interest for the board, and a request for new leadership Jeremy Eastman expressed interest that his church, "The Chapel," has in the old Spencer High School building.
    3. 2025-26 School Calendar Public Hearing #2
  3. New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
    1. 2025-26 School CalendarJeffrey Mace tabled this discussion until the next meeting.
    2. Request to Consider and Adopt Resolution on PEIA StabilizationMotion by Daris Harper and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to adopt the resolution, as written. Motion carried. (6:27 pm)
    3. 2025-26 Committee
    4. Authorization of Board President or Superintendent to execute and record the required Notice of Federal Interest in certain school property arising out of Covid-related federal grant.Motion by James Minney and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve. Motion carried. (6:41 pm)
    5. Annual Approval of School-Affiliated OrganizationsMotion by Daris Harper and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to approve. Motion carried. (6:42 pm)
    6. Property Matters Involving Old Spencer High SchoolMotion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by James Minney to go into closed session to discuss property matters. Motion carried. (6:43 pm)Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by Daris Harper to return to open session. Motion carried. No action was taken in closed session. (7:05 pm)
      1. Possible Action Declaring the Property as Surplus and Authorizing the Superintendent to Conduct a Sealed Bid Auction for the Same with a Minimum Bid of $ _______Motion by James Minney and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to declare the old Spencer High School a surplus property and authorize the Superintendent to conduct a concealed bid auction for the same with a minimum bid of $50,000. Motion carried. Daris Harper opposed.(7:06 pm)
    7. Declaring Certain Technology-Related Hardware as SurplusMotion by James Minney and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to approve. Motion carried. Eileen Richardson opposed.(7:15 pm)
    8. Approve Job Descriptions and Create Positions Related to WVDE Elementary Alternative Learning GrantMotion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve. Motion carried. Daris Harper opposed.(7:26 pm)
      1. Teacher / Elementary Alternative Education, Countywide based at Spencer Elementary School
      2. Counselor / Elementary Alternative Education, Countywide based at Spencer Elementary School
    9. Updates on Continuing Business
      1. Property Matters Involving the Capitol Street Complex and Goff Run Complex
      2. Network and Communications Updates
      3. Safety and Security Upgrades at Roane County High School and Spencer Middle School
      4. Closeout Process for the new Spencer Middle School
  4. Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by James Minney to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (7:42 pm)
    1. Approval of minutes of the regular board meeting on November 21, 2024
    2. Finance
      1. Transfers/supplements to the budget
      2. Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $40,000 prior to the next board meeting
      3. Financial Reports
      4. Travel reimbursement for board members
    3. Policies
      1. First Reading
        1. Policy 524 - Transfers and Reductions-in-Force (revised)
    4. Contract(s) / Bid(s) / Agreement(s)
    5. Field Trips
    6. Volunteers
      1. Spencer Elementary School
        1. Marjorie Hamrick and Abby Sherman
    7. Student Transfers
      1. 1 student from Calhoun County to Roane County
  5. Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Daris Harper and seconded by James Minney to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (7:57 pm)A Substitute Service Personnel calling order drawing was performed for Substitute Aides. The results were: 1. Cassie Patton, and 2. Amy Fry
    1. Create New Position(s)
      1. Elementary Alternative Education Teacher (Stu Srv (75%), SES (25%)), 205 days, effective December 13, 2024
      2. Elementary Alternative Education Counselor (Stu Srv (75%), SES (25%)), 205 days, effective December 13, 2024
    2. Resignation(s)
      1. Ashman, Thanh - Coach, Track (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective November 22, 2024
      2. Ashman, Thanh - Substitute teacher (RCS - Substitutes), effective December 6, 2024
      3. Matheney, Lora - Math Field Day Sponsor (Spencer Middle School), effective December 11, 2024
      4. Cottrill, Shannon - Teacher / Title I (Spencer Middle School), effective January 6, 2025
    3. New Employment(s)
      1. Bradley, Kolleen - Aide / Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective December 16, 2024
      2. Patton, Cassie - Substitute aide (RCS - Substitutes), effective December 16, 2024
      3. Moore, Brian - Substitute cook (RCS - Substitutes), effective December 16, 2024
      4. Fry, Amy - Substitute aide (RCS - Substitutes), effective December 16, 2024
    4. Transfer(s)
      1. Parkins, Melinda - Therapist (RCS - Student Support Services) to Itinerant Elementary Counselor (RCS - Student Support (75%), Spencer Elementary (25%)), effective July 1, 2025
    5. Extracurricular(s)
      1. Lawson, Samuel - Assistant Coach, Wrestling (Auxiliary) (Spencer Middle School), effective December 13, 2024
    6. Rescind action(s)
      1. Rescind Action to Transfer Tolley, Kaleena - Teacher / 4th Grade (Walton Elementary / Middle School) to Teacher / Title I (Spencer Middle School), effective July 1, 2025
  6. Reports of Committees
    1. Roane Jackson Technical Center Administrative Council (11/19/2024)Ground has broken for the WVSBA funded, Building E, which will house their HVAC and electrical program. We anticipate seeing the program launched in the 26/27 school year. Though the nursing program is doing better, there hasn't been much interest in the CDL program.
  7. Superintendent's RemarksRoane County Raiders take on Frankfort Falcons tomorrow night at UC Stadium for the AA State Championship. GO RAIDERS! Happy Holidays.
  8. Adjournment
    1. Adjourn until the next regular meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 6:00 pm at Spencer Middle School.Motion by James Minney and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (8:02 pm)