Roane County Schools

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane

January 9, 2025

6:00 pm @ Spencer Middle School, Spencer, WV

  1. This meeting can be joined remotely. The public can join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the conference ID 922 404 454 or by joining on Microsoft Teams using this link.
  2. Presentations
    1. Positively ChargedOur Raiders have achieved what no other Raider football team has done before - 2024 Class AA State Runners-Up - and made history on an impressive three-year run with only 1 regular season loss. We hope to bring them to a future meeting to congratulate them.
    2. Public Participation
    3. Student Achievement: Attendance Matters
  3. New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
    1. 2025-26 School CalendarMotion by Daris Harper and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to approve. Motion carried. James Minney opposed.(6:24 pm)
    2. Approval of bid from City Construction for security film portion of Safety and Security Improvements at Roane County High School and Spencer Middle School for $385,700 and Alternative #1 for $11,616 (SBA funded; total contract price $397,316)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (6:33 pm)
    3. Updates on Continuing Business
      1. FY24 Financials
      2. Community Committee
      3. Network and Communications Updates
      4. Closeout Process for the new Spencer Middle SchoolMotion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by Daris Harper to go into closed session to discuss property and legal matters. Motion carried. (8:03 pm)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Daris Harper to return to open session. Motion carried. No action was taken in closed session. (8:28 pm)
  4. Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Daris Harper and seconded by Dennis Carpenter to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (8:38 pm)
    1. Approval of minutes of the regular board meeting on December 12, 2024
    2. Finance
      1. Transfers/supplements to the budget
      2. Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
      3. Financial Reports
    3. Policies
      1. Second Reading
        1. Policy 524 - Transfers and Reductions-in-Force (revised)
    4. Contract(s) / Bid(s) / Agreement(s)
    5. Field Trips
    6. Volunteers
    7. Student Transfers
  5. Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by James Minney to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (8:39 pm)
    1. New Employment(s)
      1. Ward, Tye - Substitute bus operator (RCS - Substitutes), effective January 13, 2025
      2. _______________________ - Elementary Alternative Education Teacher (RCS - Student Support (75%), Spencer Elementary (25%)), effective January 13, 2025
    2. Transfer(s)
      1. Parkins, Melinda - Therapist (RCS - Student Support Services) to Elementary Alternative Education Counselor (RCS - Student Support (75%), Spencer Elementary (25%)), effective January 13, 2025
  6. The following item(s) were recommended by Michelle Stellato, Superintendent's designee.
    1. Resignation(s)
      1. Duncan, Sarah - Teacher / Art (Roane County High School), effective January 20, 2025Motion by Dennis Carpenter and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. James Minney opposed.(8:39 pm)
  7. Reports of Committees
    1. Roane Jackson Technical Center Administrative Council (12/17/2024)We approved the programs of study for the 2025-26 school year. Many of the programs are now offer dual credit with no added costs to us or the parents. We also toured the Building E site, which broke ground and was graded. The building is now underway.
  8. Superintendent's RemarksWe have had a challenging week with weather, missing 5 days of school. Anything beyond 5 NTI days, we would have to start making up. Currently, our last day of school is Tuesday, June 4th.
  9. Adjournment
    1. Adjourn until the next regular meeting, Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6:00 pm at Spencer Middle SchoolMotion by James Minney and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (8:53 pm)