Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane
September 26, 2019
6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV
This agenda is available to the public upon request at any time during regular business hours preceding the upcoming Roane County Board of Education meeting. Public participation and attendance are welcomed and encouraged. This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the County School System's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in agenda item, "Presentations." Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by your comments. While it is not our intent to stifle public comment, speakers should be aware that if your statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy, you may be held legally responsible. If you are unsure of the legal ramifications of what you are about to say, we urge you to consult first with your legal advisor. The Board reserves the right to amend this agenda with emergency personnel/financial matters which may arise after publication.
- Presentations
- Positively Charged
- Public Participation
- New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
- Consideration of recommendation to terminate contract of Employee A, a substitute custodian, including possible personnel hearing.
- Discussion of Upcoming Policy Development
- Student Attendance
- Student Discipline
- Open Enrollment
- Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following consent agenda, as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting on September 12, 2019
- Financial
- Transfers/supplements to the budget
- Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
- Financial Reports
- Approval of unaudited financial statements
- Policies
- First Reading
- Policy 810 - Uniform Records and Accounts (revised; replaces Policies 6100, 6800, 6200, 6662, 6830, 6105, 6108, 6140, 6144, 6145, 6151, and 6153)
- Policy 815 - Federal Funds (revised; replaces Policies 6110, 6110.01, 6111, 6112, 6114, 6116, and 6325)
- Policy 820 - Fiscal Planning (revised; replaces Policies 6210, 6220, 6230, and 6231)
- Policy 821 - Petty Cash (revised; replaces Policies 6621 and 6625)
- Policy 822 - Recognition and Amenities (revised; replaces Policies 6680 and 6681)
- Policy 823 - Fundraisers (revised; replaces Policy 6605)
- Policy 830 - Purchasing (revised; replaces Policies 6320.01, 6440, 6450, 6460, and 6470)
- Policy 831 - Use of Credit and Purchasing Cards (revised; replaces Policy 6423)
- Policy 840 - Payroll (revised; replaces Policies 6510, 6150.01, 6520, 6700, and 6705)
- Policy 850 - Travel Payment and Reimbursement (revised; replaces Policy 6550)
- Policy 210 - County Educational Program (revised; repeals Policy 6152.01)
- Policy 6120 - Safety Deposit Box (repeal)
- Policy 6150 - Tuition Income (repeal)
- Policy 6670 - Trust and Agency Fund (repeal)
- Repeal all policies not otherwise revised, repealed, or replaced since July 1, 2018, and declare all such policies no longer in effect immediately.
- First Reading
- Contracts
- Student Transfers
- Fieldtrips
- Volunteers
- Walton Elementary Middle School
- Cindy Berry, Heather Berry, and Joyce A. Shafer
- Roane County High School
- Cindy Epling
- Spencer Elementary School
- Brenda Coe, Justin Simmons, Amber Gibson, Morgan Boyles, Crystal Love, Katie Cherry, Kayla Holstein, Barbara Watson, Jerry Lee Burge, Kim Harrison, Katrina Kelley, Randall O'Brien, Marcia Corkrean, Sharon Starcher and Jennifer Conley
- Walton Elementary Middle School
- Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by _____________________ and seconded by _____________________ to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent.
- Resignation(s)
- Lima, Nicole - Substitute secretary (RCS - Substitutes), effective September 17, 2019
- Wells, James - Assistant Principal (Spencer Elementary School), effective September 25, 2019
- Mollohan, Michelle - Substitute secretary (RCS - Substitutes), effective September 25, 2019
- Retirement(s)
- Workman, Paula - Aide / ECCAT (Spencer Elementary School), effective December 1, 2019
- New Employment(s)
- Cross, Geneva - Cook II (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective September 27, 2019, from the substitute list
- Watson, Stephenie - Cook II (Roane County High School), effective September 27, 2019, from the substitute list
- Extracurricular(s)
- Vaughan, Brittney - Social Media Coordinator (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective September 27, 2019
- Hayes, Matthew - Robotics Sponsor (Roane County High School), effective September 27, 2019
- Cottrill, Shannon - Robotics Sponsor (Roane County High School), effective September 27, 2019
- Hayes, Matthew - Social Media Coordinator (Roane County High School), effective September 27, 2019
- Miller, Allison - Social Media Coordinator (Spencer Elementary School), effective September 27, 2019
- Ashman, Elaine - Social Media Coordinator (Spencer Middle School), effective September 27, 2019
- Hunt, Jennifer - Social Media Coordinator (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective September 27, 2019
- Sotomayor, Mario - Assistant Coach, Soccer (Spencer Middle School), effective September 27, 2019
- Hayes, Matthew - Broadcast Journalism Sponsor (Roane County High School), effective September 27, 2019
- Resignation(s)
- Reports of Committees
- RJTC Administrative Council (9/16/2019)
- Superintendent's Remarks
- Adjournment
- Adjourn until the next regular board meeting on October 8, 2019, at 6:00 pm at Roane County High School.