Roane County Schools

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane

August 13, 2020

6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV

  1. This meeting may be joined remotely. The public can join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the conference ID 589 919 078 or by joining on Microsoft Teams using this link.
  2. Presentations
    1. Positively ChargedDr. Brent Watson and Amy Downey from Roane General Hospital proposed to offer Covid-19 related services to the schools.
    2. Public ParticipationGary King, parent, had questions concerning family safety. Stephanie Poole, WEMS Teacher, had concerns regarding the state of her laptop.
    3. Student AchievementIn order to improve student achievement, we have to make sure teachers have the proper training. Teachers have been participating in a large amount of training in the recent weeks and will continue to attend further training in the weeks to come to prepare them for the coming school year.
  3. New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
    1. Instructional Materials Adoption for 2019-25 Adoption Cycle (Delayed)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve. Motion carried. (6:45 pm)
      1. Social Studies
        1. K - 5: Teacher Created Materials, "Exploring Social Studies: West Virginia"
        2. 8: Clairmont Press, Inc., "West Virginia: Its Land, Its People"
    2. Reconfigure position Teacher / English & Librarian (RCHS) as Technology / Library Media Specialist (RCHS)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Gregory Boggs to approve. Motion carried. (7:04 pm)
    3. Proposal from Apple, Inc., to Purchase or Finance Computing DevicesMotion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve. Motion carried. Jeffrey Mace opposed.(7:31 pm)
    4. Update on BOE operations during summer of 2020
    5. Re-Entry Plan for 2020-21Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. James Minney, Eileen Richardson opposed.(9:49 pm)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Gregory Boggs to adopt the re-entry plan with notes to cite the CDC for guidance on any area that does not list a definition in the document (i.e. face coverings and quarantines). Motion carried. (10:07 pm)
  4. Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (10:24 pm)
    1. Approval of minutes of regular board meeting on July 23, 2020
    2. Financial
      1. Transfers/supplements to the budget
      2. Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
      3. Financial Reports
    3. Policies
      1. Third Reading and Approval
        1. Policy 223 - Program of Study for High School (Grades 9 through 12) (revised)
      2. Second Reading
        1. Policy 220 - Curriculum Development (revised)
      3. First Reading
        1. Policy 226 - Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity (revised)
    4. Contract(s) / Agreement(s) / Bid(s)
      1. Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council-Foster Grandparent Program Memorandum of Understanding
      2. Glenville State University Articles of Agreement for College Student Pre-Service Teachers and Interns
    5. Field trip(s)
      1. Roane County High School Golf Team to Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, WV for a golf tournament on 8/24/2020, transported by county van
    6. Volunteer(s)
      1. Roane County High School
        1. Stephanie Stover
    7. Student Transfer(s)
      1. 4 students from Kanawha County Schools
  5. Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by James Minney to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (10:28 pm)
    1. Resignation(s)
      1. Kelly, Richard - Teacher / Social Studies (Roane County High School), effective July 31, 2020
      2. Painter, Michelle - Teacher / English & Librarian (Roane County High School), effective August 3, 2020
      3. Hively, Amanda - Assistant Coach, Volleyball (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective August 4, 2020
      4. LeBlond, Vickie - Substitute cook (RCS - Substitutes), effective August 7, 2020
      5. LeBlond, Vickie - Substitute custodian (RCS - Substitutes), effective August 7, 2020
      6. Barker, Ashley - Teacher / Social Studies (Roane County High School), effective August 13, 2020
      7. Barker, Ashley - Student Council Sponsor (Roane County High School), effective August 13, 2020
    2. New Employment(s)
      1. Redman, Jeffery - Custodian III (Spencer Elementary School), effective August 14, 2020, from the substitute list
      2. _______________________ - Coordinator of Family Engagement & Academic Support (RCS - Central Office), effective August 24, 2020
    3. Transfer(s)
      1. Hays, Andrea - Teacher / 5th Grade (Walton Elementary / Middle School) to Teacher / 1st Grade (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective August 14, 2020
      2. Miller, Timothy - Bus Operator (Bus #56) (RCS - Operations) to Bus Operator (Bus #51) (RCS - Operations), effective August 14, 2020
      3. Cobb, Kathleen - Bus Operator (Bus #26) (RCS - Operations) to Bus Operator (Bus #56) (RCS - Operations), effective August 14, 2020
      4. Hayes, Matthew - Teacher / English (Roane County High School) to Teacher / Social Studies (Roane County High School), effective August 14, 2020
    4. Extracurricular(s)
      1. White, Nathanial - Assistant Coach, Baseball (Roane County High School), effective August 14, 2020
  6. The following item(s) were recommended by Carla Brown, Superintendent's designee.
    1. Leave of Absence(s)
      1. Duncan, Sarah - Teacher / Career Literacy (Spencer Middle School), effective August 28, 2020 to November 20, 2020Motion by Daris Harper and seconded by Gregory Boggs to approve the above personnel item as recommended by Carla Brown, Superintendent's designee. Richard Duncan recused himself from the vote and left the room as required by WV Code 6B-2-5(j). Motion carried. (10:29 pm)
  7. Reports of Committees
  8. Superintendent's RemarksThe paving projects are mostly finished except for a few small details. They've been paved and striped. Frontier installed a new pole at SMS, but did not remove the old pole. We have made a request to have that removed. All that is left for safe school entrances are the furniture and storefronts which will both be finished within the next week or two. Concerning the CEFP, Thrasher presented us with a list $31 million in repairs that will be needed in the future but if we put in $3-4 million in every building every 10 years, we would not have to build a new one after 30 years. The SBA met recently and approved a $9 million project in Raleigh County, which makes our project the highest unfunded project on the list. So our position is looking good right now.
  9. Adjournment
    1. Adjourn until the next regular meeting, on Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 6:00 pm at Roane County High SchoolMotion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by Gregory Boggs to approve. Motion carried. (10:41 pm)