Roane County Schools

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane

February 11, 2021

6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV

  1. This meeting may be joined remotely. The public can join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the conference ID 169 163 812 or by joining on Microsoft Teams using this link.
  2. Presentations
    1. Positively ChargedWe are finishing up the 2nd doses of the vaccine in the age ranges for 40 and 50 . About 40-45% of our staff will be fully vaccinated after tomorrow. For any staff members that are still interesting in getting vaccinated, they can now go to the to register and select that you are an educator to be given a priority. We have moved to green with positivity rating at 2.5%. We hope to continue doing well in Roane County.
    2. Public ParticipationChristina Slater, RCHS parent, expressed concerns about distance learning classes.
    3. Student AchievementDuring the first 9 weeks, we had a large number of failures in distance learning, and the second 9 weeks have proven to be similar. Though distance learning has had much of the attention this year, we still need to remember that our in-person learners are also doing poorly and still need to focus on that. Overall, we hope that grades will improve now that we have brought back an additional 150 students to in-person learning, and further professional development is being offered to teachers for improvements.
  3. New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
    1. Consideration and possible action on recommendation to ratify and extend suspension of Employee A, a teacherMotion by Daris Harper and seconded by James Minney to go to a closed session to discuss this item, as per WV Code 6-9A-4(b)(2)(B). Motion carried. (6:48 pm)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Eileen Richardson to return to open session. Motion carried. No action was taken in closed session. (7:13 pm)Motion by James Minney and seconded by Gregory Boggs to ratify and extend the suspension of Teacher, Barton Harper, with pay, beginning December 16, 2020 and extending through the completion of an investigation.. Motion carried. (7:14 pm)
    2. Update of BOE operations during COVID-19
    3. Administrative Guidelines for Review
      1. AG 320.i - Emergency Operations
    4. Consideration and Possible Action to Amend 2020-21 School Calendar for Spring BreakMotion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Daris Harper to to amend the 2020-21 school calendar that April 5 - 9, 2021, be changed to professional learning days. Motion carried. (8:16 pm)
    5. Discussion of School Calendar for 2021-22
    6. Continued Planning for 2021-22
  4. Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Daris Harper and seconded by James Minney to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (9:00 pm)
    1. Approval of minutes of regular board meeting on January 21, 2021
    2. Financial
      1. Transfers/supplements to the budget
      2. Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
      3. Financial Reports
    3. Policies
      1. First Reading
        1. Policy 526 - Reimbursement for Professional Expenses and Training (new)
    4. Contract(s) / Agreement(s) / Bid(s)
      1. Additional Schedule to Lease Agreement with Country Roads Leasing re: financing expanded phone system equipment software
    5. Field trip(s)
    6. Volunteer(s)
    7. Student Transfer(s)
  5. Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by Gregory Boggs to approve the following personnel items as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (9:02 pm)
    1. Resignation(s)
      1. White, Nathanial - Coach, Baseball (Spencer Middle School), effective January 26, 2021
      2. Taylor, Christopher - Coach, Track (Spencer Middle School), effective January 29, 2021
      3. Mills, Jordan - Assistant Coach, Baseball (Spencer Middle School), effective February 3, 2021
      4. Nichols, Amy - Teacher / Math (Spencer Middle School), effective February 28, 2021
    2. Retirement(s)
      1. Norman, Darlene - Teacher / 1st Grade (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 30, 2021
    3. Leave of Absence(s)
      1. Kidwell, Samantha - Teacher / Agriculture & FFA Advisor (Roane County High School), effective April 8, 2021 to June 7, 2021, partially paid under FMLA paid leave substitution; partially unpaid under WV Code 18A-2-2a
    4. Extracurricular(s)
      1. Gaughan, Kevin - Assistant Coach, Softball (Auxiliary) (Roane County High School), effective February 12, 2021
      2. Tolley, Sarah - Beginning Speech Language Pathologist Mentor (RCS - Central Office), effective February 12, 2021
      3. Spencer, Britney - Coach, Boys Basketball (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective February 12, 2021
  6. Reports of Committees
  7. Superintendent's RemarksThe legislative session has begun. Charter schools and ESAs are a big topic of discussion. They may allow 10 charter schools across the state and even allow virtual charters. Though ESAs and charter schools compete with public education, the request for these just show us that the public school system has left something to be desired. I’ll be in contact with Delegate Riley Keaton, who is the only Roane County resident in legislature and I will be watching this legislation session closely.
    1. Adjourn until the next regular meeting, Thursday, February 25, 2021, at 6:00 pm at Roane County High SchoolMotion by James Minney and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (9:06 pm)