Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Board of Education of the County of Roane
May 13, 2021
6:00 pm @ Roane County High School, Spencer, WV
- This meeting could be joined remotely. The public could join by calling 1-304-553-7794 and entering the provided conference ID or by joining on Microsoft Teams using the provided link.
- Presentations
- Positively ChargedWe recognize John Gray, our Senior Sponsor, and the Class of 2021 for their presentation of their legacy gift this year. Raiders banners are attached to the light poles out front.
- Public Participation
- Student AchievementAccording to statewide benchmarking, we outperformed the state average, but it is still looks like our students are struggling in math. Our number one post-pandemic challenge in student achievement will be math.
- Communications in the Open Enrollment / School Choice WorldWith the change in legislation for educational savings accounts, students that have been enrolled for a year, can now enroll at a private school or home schooling and state dollars will follow the child (approximately $4600). This means that we have to improve our student achievement scores to show that our students perform well and market our schools to the public to recruit students. Apptegy, a school communications platform, offers communications services and even marketing/design services, which our current School Messenger system cannot compete with. Many schools are now moving towards these types of platforms and this is something to consider for Roane County.
- New Business for Consideration and Potential Action
- Roane County WVU Extension Budget Presentation and Funding RequestMotion by James Minney and seconded by Gregory Boggs to approve their annual funding request of $16,300. Motion carried. (7:08 pm)
- Approval of Agreement with Thrasher to Provide Architectural & Engineering Services for Projects Associated with 2020-30 CEFP, Exclusive of Those Projects Funded Partially or in Whole by the West Virginia School Building AuthorityMotion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (7:15 pm)
- Appointment of Board Member(s) to Committee to Consider Firms Interested in Providing Architectural & Engineering Services for the New Spencer Middle SchoolMotion by Jeffrey Mace and seconded by James Minney to appoint Mr. Boggs to this committee. Motion carried. (7:20 pm)
- Appointment of Board Member(s) to Planning Committee for the New Spencer Middle SchoolMotion by James Minney and seconded by Eileen Richardson to appoint Mr. Boggs and Mr. Harper to this committee. Motion carried. (7:23 pm)
- Approval of Job Sharing Arrangement per WV Code 18-5-13 (t)
- Andrea Hays and Suzanne Rector for Summer SOLE Teacher (split to be determined at the discretion of the Summer SOLE Coordinator)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by James Minney to approve. Motion carried. (7:26 pm)
- Declaration of Three-Week Practice Period for Summer 2021 as Weeks 2, 3, and 4 on the NFHS Calendar (July 12 - July 30, 2021)Motion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Eileen Richardson to approve. Motion carried. (7:28 pm)
- Consent Agenda - (Action)Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by James Minney to approve the following consent agenda as recommended by Richard Duncan, Superintendent. Motion carried. (7:38 pm)
- Approval of minutes of Regular Board Meeting on March 25th and Statutory Board Meeting on April 20, 2021
- Financial
- Transfers/supplements to the budget
- Payments of bills as submitted; pre-approval to release checks not to exceed $20,000 prior to the next board meeting
- Financial Reports
- Approval of FY20 Financial Audit
- Policies
- Contract(s) / Bid(s)
- Agreement with Roane County Sheriff for School Resource Officer Program for 2021-22 (renewal)
- Agreement with Roane County Sheriff for Prevention Resource Officer Program for 2021-22 (renewal)
- Agreement with Jackson County Schools to provide bus operator training (continuing agreement)
- Agreement with Jackson County Schools to receive bus operator training (continuing agreement)
- Field Trips
- Volunteers
- Student Transfers
- Surplus Equipment for Auction
- Bus 18 - 2004 International School Bus
- Bus 19 - 2006 International School Bus
- Bus 38 - 2001 International School Bus
- Bus 67 - 2002 Blue Bird School Bus
- Bus 68 - 2004 - International School Bus
- 2001 Kubota Tractor Model BX1800
- Personnel Consent Agenda - (Action) Motion carried. (7:58 pm) Motion carried. (7:40 pm) Motion carried. No action was taken in closed session. (7:52 pm)
- Resignation(s)
- Sotomayor, Mario - Coach, Soccer (Spencer Middle School), effective May 9, 2021
- Harper, Barton - Teacher / Special Education (Spencer Elementary School), effective May 11, 2021
- New Employment(s)
- Knudsen, Candace - Substitute bus operator (RCS - Substitutes), effective May 14, 2021, pending certification
- Tawney, Elizabeth - Summer SOLE Teacher (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021
- Bailey, Jessica - School Social Worker (Summer) (RCS - Student Support Services), effective June 14, 2021
- Mace, Valerie - Summer SOLE Teacher (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective June 14, 2021Motion by Eileen Richardson and seconded by James Minney to approve item 2d and 3c. Mr. Mace recused himself from the vote and left the room, as required by WV Code 6B-2-5(j). Motion carried. (7:59 pm)
- Harper, Tracy - Summer SOLE Cook (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective June 18, 2021
- Tolley, Sarah - ESY Speech Language Pathologist (RCS - Student Support Services), effective June 28, 2021
- Kendall, James - ESY Teacher of Severe / Profound Handicap (RCS - Student Support Services), effective June 28, 2021
- Stellato, Michelle - Principal (Spencer Elementary School), effective July 1, 2021, pending CIB clearance
- Camp, Haley - Teacher / 2nd Grade (Spencer Elementary School), effective August 9, 2021, pending certification
- Ellison, Susan - Teacher / 1st Grade (Walton Elementary / Middle School), effective August 9, 2021, pending CIB clearance
- Woods, Jessica - Teacher / 4th Grade (Geary Elementary / Middle School), effective August 9, 2021, pending CIB clearance
- Extracurricular(s)
- Cottrill, Shannon - Social Media Coordinator (Roane County High School), effective May 14, 2021
- Resignation(s)
- Reports of Committees
- Superintendent's RemarksWe have seen some COVID-19 cases, mostly in the elementary level, but our safety protocols continue to hold. There have been some outbreaks in surrounding counties. The CDC has now changed their mask guidelines for individuals that are fully vaccinated, but we are still under the executive order by Governor Justice and hope they do not change before the end of the school year.
Many events are coming up soon. Summer SOLE program is starting June 14 with over 100 students already signed up and more expecting to be added. Counselors are now being hired and since we will not have the Energy Express program this summer, we will be adding a few more positions to the program.
Senior events are coming up. There will be a religious service offered on Tuesday evening for the Senior class. This event is not board sponsored or affiliated. There will also be a graduate parade on Wednesday afternoon and on Friday, weather pending, we will have the graduation ceremony. Also, Prom will be this weekend.
Since we did not have a traditional LSIC meeting this year, we plan to have a simple discussion soon for each of the schools about what we can reflect on from this year. What worked? What didn't? And how we can learn from this for the next school year?
- Adjourn until the next regular meeting, Thursday, May 27, 2021, at 6:00 pm at Roane County High SchoolMotion by Gregory Boggs and seconded by Daris Harper to approve. Motion carried. (8:15 pm)