Coordinator of Family Engagement & Academic Support
- Position Type
- Professional
- Must possess or be eligible to possess a Professional Teaching or Student Support Certificate.
- Demonstrated success as a classroom teacher is required.
- Demonstrated success implementing appropriate instructional technologies in classroom and distance learning environment is preferred.
- Demonstrated success engaging students and families to support the academic programs is preferred.
- Serve as the liaison between school and parents, relaying the needs of one to the other; ensure that Title I, Part A and IDEA parent engagement regulations are met with meaningful and strategic actions to build parent capacity under these sections of the law; educate teachers and staff on how to communicate and work effectively with parents as equal partners in ensuring the academic achievement of their students; provide opportunities to develop effective family, school, and community partnerships to support student achievement and school improvement; help parents understand the school system so they can become better advocates for their children’s education; expand opportunities for continued learning, voluntary classroom service and school participation; advise and trains parents on how to address issues with teachers and the school leadership staff; provide referrals for community-based services for families dealing with conditions that impact the academic achievement of their students; develop community collaborations; promote sharing of power with parents as decision-makers.
- Coordinate and implement research-based strategies for the local school(s) and/or district parent engagement program to engage parents in improving student achievement through the National PTA Family-School Partnership Standards and the WVDE Family Engagement Mission and Core Beliefs; collaborate with local, regional, and state organizations to create opportunities to help families understand school academic standards, assessments and academic reports; collaborate with parents, teachers, and the school’s leadership team to develop a family-friendly school climate; coordinate opportunities for parents and volunteers to contribute in positive ways towards student achievement and recognize their contributions; collaborate with other parent engagement professionals such as parent mentors and early education school transition coaches or other designees; promote parents as partners by involving them in the decision-making process regarding parental engagement activities and school improvement.
- Provide workshops, classes, and activities for parents at their local school(s) and/or district on a regular basis; recruit volunteers from the community to host various workshops and classes to speak directly with parents; provide school engagement materials such as event calendars, brochures, educational resources, videos and digital and social media; conduct professional learning training with all faculty and staff to determine school needs and discuss purposeful administration of effective strategies in family engagement; create opportunities for parents who have limited English proficiency, a disability or are underrepresented because of social economics or racial barriers to participate in education initiatives and enrichment workshops; provide technical assistance relating to parental engagement at the local school or district level.
- Complete an evaluation to assess the needs of parents at the local school(s) and/or district; review annual reports to evaluate the effectiveness of the parent engagement programs; develop, analyze, and distribute the results of annual evaluations to the school’s leadership team and/or Title I Director and/or special education director if mandated as well as other stakeholders.
- Develop model lessons, units, and other instructional frameworks making use of blended in-person, virtual, and distance learning practices and integrating adopted instructional materials as appropriate.
- Support colleagues through professional development opportunities, professional learning communities, and individual communications.
- Demonstrate competency in the knowledge and implementation of technology standards.
- Demonstrate behavior that reflects established professional responsibilities (i.e. attendance, punctuality and verbal/nonverbal communication).
- Prepare and deliver reports, presentations, and analyses as required.
- Attend meetings, conferences, and professional development opportunities as required.
- Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Curriculum & Instructional Support and the Superintendent.
- Coordinator of Family Engagement & Academic Support (CO)