Roane County Schools

Teacher Support Coordinator

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    1. Must possess a West Virginia Professional Teaching Certificate.
    2. Demonstrated, successful experience as a classroom teacher strongly preferred.
    3. Per WV Code 18A-3C-3 (c) (6), current teacher at the school to be serviced preferred.


    1. Provide professional support, guidance, and advice to beginning and experienced teachers as needed.
    2. Model and observe lessons, provide peer-to-peer critiques, and suggest professional learning and development for teachers identified for support.
    3. Working with the school leadership team, identify areas of support needed at the school and develop a plan to address these needs through the strategic planning process.
    4. Working with other teacher support coordinators and the county leadership team, identify common areas of support needed across the county and develop a plan to address these needs through the strategic planning process.


    1. Teacher Support Coordinator (GEMS)
    2. Teacher Support Coordinator (SMS)
    3. Teacher Support Coordinator (WEMS)
    4. Teacher Support Coordinator (SES)
    5. Teacher Support Coordinator (RCHS)