Activity Instructor
- Position Type
- Extracurricular
- Demonstrated knowledge of the activity being instructed, including in competitive and educational environments as appropriate.
- Excellent interpersonal and professional communication skills.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience working independently, as part of a team, and as part of a larger organization.
- Organize appropriate and effective strategies for teaching activity skills and activity management systems.
- Develop high caliber and quality instruction suitable to the respective activity being instructed.
- Teach fundamental activity skills.
- Secure and maintain parental permission, proof of insurance, and other necessary documentation to validate student eligibility and participation.
- Handle injuries in a reasonable and prudent manner.
- Protect the integrity of equipment associated with the program, which includes securing such equipment exclusively for school use unless approved by the Principal and/or Roane County Central Office (through appropriate requests for community use procedures).
- Supervise participants and discipline the team appropriately throughout the duration of practices and competitions, including effective supervision of any activities locker room(s) being utilized until the last person has departed and the room has been secured. The Head Instructor assumes responsibility for team conduct at all times during assigned activities activities. Strictly prohibit any hazing or initiation activities.
- Design and schedule quality organization of practice sessions, effectively communicating in advance beginning and ending practice times, interscholastic event schedules, and transportation arrangements to student athletes, parents, appropriate members of the instructional staff, and the school administration as appropriate.
- Supervise managers and other support personnel.
- Effectively and prudently manage any budgets assigned by the immediate supervisor.
- Consistently and thoroughly adhere to established budgeting, purchasing, and inventory procedures recognized by the school administration and the Roane County Central Office.
- Initiate game organization skills.
- Consistently abide by and respect league and conference policies, as well as related policies promulgated by the Roane County Board of Education.
- Devote a sufficient amount of time and energy to instructional duties. The Head Instructor of each activity will also be responsible for the entire program encompassed by his/her assigned activity at the school.
- Thoroughly respect and complete procedures, meet timelines, and perform activities associated with the beginning and end of the assigned activity season.
- School employees must respect and prioritize their regular instructional responsibilities before their extracurricular duties, and such extracurricular duties should not conflict except under extraordinary circumstances approved by the building Principal and/or Roane County Central Office. In such cases it is incumbent upon the Instructor to take the necessary steps to see that his/her primary instructional responsibilities are covered in a manner approved by the Principal.
- Effectively communicate with educational personnel, parents, students, and the general public.
- Demonstrate consistent cooperation with the building Principal and others with administrative authority.
- Assistant Instructors are responsible to the Head Instructor and/or Principal in such areas as instructional techniques and other appropriate responsibilities both on the school campus and away during interscholastic competitions as appropriate.
- Develop rapport with instructional staff within the school.
- Organize the assigned instructional staff.
- Develop positive and appropriate relationships with students, faculty, parents, community members, game officials, opponents, and the news media.
- Employ appropriate conduct during games and practices, including the exercise of professional, emotional restraint.
- Attend appropriate and/or assigned league and conference meetings, as approved by the school administration and/or the Roane County Central Office.
- Participate in activities that foster professional growth and development.
- Motivate staff and participants toward desired goals.
- Command respect by example in appearance, manners, behavior, and language. Profane and/or vulgar language will not be tolerated while performing one's duties or at any time in the presence of students, parents, or the public.?
- Assistant Instructor, Archery (Auxiliary) (GEMS)
- FFA Sponsor (Auxiliary) (RCHS)
- Instructor, Archery (GEMS)