Roane County Schools

Bus Operator Trainer

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    1. Must currently hold certification from the West Virginia Department of Education as a bus operator trainer.
    2. Must have excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to use technology-enhanced and technology-enabled tools and applications.
    3. Must be able and willing to work cooperatively and collaboratively with others, as evidenced in past performance evaluations and other metrics as appropriate.


    1. Instruct candidate bus operators in accordance with the WV School Bus Operator Training Manual, including Policy 2421, Policy 2422.7, Policy 2422.8, Policy 2423, Policy 5500.02, Policy 2525, Policy 4373, and Policy 5902, and online training modules, or a combination thereof.
    2. Maintain availability to conduct training expeditiously.
    3. Submit all documentation to supervisor and/or WVDE in a timely fashion.
    4. Schedule and provide behind the wheel training with candidates, ensuring that all candidates possess the proper licensure beforehand.
    5. Facilitate scheduling of examination by WVDE bus operator examiner.
    6. May be required to perform work as part of collaborative agreement with Jackson County Schools.


    1. Bus Operator Trainer (Ops)