Roane County Schools

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  • Policy 210 - County Educational Program

    Adopted on December 20, 2018

    Effective December 20, 2018

    The Roane County Board of Education is committed to establishing rigorous academic standards and providing high quality programs for every student in its schools. The Board will collaborate with parents, educators, communities, business and industry, and higher education to fulfill this commitment. It is imperative that the Board, the school, community, students and families of students cooperate to establish high expectations for student performance and become actively involved in the education process, thereby enabling students to succeed in the classroom and the workplace, lead healthy, rewarding and productive lives, and participate responsibly in society.

    The Board shall provide the necessary resources, including technology, to ensure that students attain high standards of performance. At early levels, students will achieve proficiency in the basic skills of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, and learning skills and technology tools. Achievement of these skills will provide the foundation for later intellectual challenges in all programs of study. Students will explore their interests and abilities and engage in relevant activities to help them understand the world of work. Technology will be a tool to help achieve these standards in all schools. The Board anticipates the provision of sufficient resources and support, including an adequate system of professional learning, appropriate instructional materials, and reliable assessment measures, to realize the goal of producing students who are college and career-ready as defined by the West Virginia State Board of Education.

    Schools, in cooperation with the Board, will determine their individual curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional design, pursuant to this policy, to assist students in achieving high levels of performance in the adopted and approved content standards. Appropriate accountability measures will ensure that students and educators achieve high levels of performance.

    The major purposes of this policy are to improve the quality of learning and teaching in the Roane County Schools and to ensure that equal education opportunities are provided to all students. Equal education opportunities to achieve one's potential include, but are not limited to: comparably high quality programs of study, including exploring career development opportunities; student support programs; personnel; facilities; instructional materials; supplies; equipment; technology integration; and effective instructional practices. Given the demands of the global marketplace, it is essential that all students become lifelong learners prepared for successful entry into post-secondary education or the workplace.

    Ensuring a quality education implies that a thorough and efficient education system exists that provides equal access to substantive curricular offerings and appropriate related services for all students. Providing such an education system shall be the goal of the Board of Education. This policy provides the basic structure for all education programs and student support services necessary for a thorough and efficient system of education to be available to all students. The elements of a thorough and efficient system of education are:

    1. high quality education programs, student services and experiential learning opportunities;
    2. high quality administrative and instructional practices, personnel, facilities, instructional materials, technology integration, supplies and equipment;
    3. safe and caring environment that fosters supportive relationships, is free from harassment, intimidation, bullying, discrimination and other inappropriate forms of conduct, and that involves parents;
    4. a demanding curriculum for all students, with emphasis on the core academic programs of study that are aligned with rigorous standards, learning skills and technology tools and are communicated to students, parents and communities; and
    5. accountability measures to ensure the public that a thorough and efficient system of education is being provided to students enrolled in the public schools of this County.

    The Board shall plan, deliver, and evaluate the education programs and student support services necessary to implement a thorough and efficient system of public education. The programs of study and student support services mandated by regulations shall be made available to all students. In carrying out this responsibility, the Board may, by specific policy, memorandum of understanding and/or contract:

    1. cooperate with one (1) or more counties in establishing and maintaining joint programs;
    2. use regional services or contract for services with public or private agencies having appropriate programs;
    3. coordinate and share programs, related services and resources with other organizations, agencies and local businesses.

    The Board shall:

    1. collaborate with local business and community groups through establishment of partnerships and a County steering committee;
    2. be responsible for developing and implementing a strategic plan that results in systemic change in the areas of organizational culture, curriculum, instruction, school effectiveness, and student support through a continuous improvement process, based on the West Virginia State Board of Education policy 2460, Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet and West Virginia Virtual School;
    3. distribute the Board's resources as determined by the plan;
    4. be accountable to the public through the annual West Virginia Report Card.

    The education program offered in Roane County Schools is defined in broad terms as all of the education activities take place during the instructional day and the school year. The education program provides education opportunities for students to achieve high levels of learning in programs of study through approved content standards that prepare students to be lifelong learners and successful citizens in a competitive global society. The education program is based upon information provided through research relevant to best practices in teaching and learning.

    The education program for Roane County Schools is structured and based on three (3) programmatic levels:

    1. Early Learning Programs
    2. Middle School Programs
    3. High School Education Programs

    The Board of Education has adopted policies and implemented written procedures to define its education program for each of these programmatic levels.

    Meeting State Accountability Measures

    The West Virginia Board of Education has established an accountability system for West Virginia public schools in West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2322.

    It is the intent of this Board of Education that each school and the county as whole annually meet or exceed standards in all areas of the West Virginia Balanced Score Card.

    Program Accountability and Evaluation

    The Board of Education believes that effective education includes proper evaluation of the results produced from the educational resources provided by the community and the government. As the governing body of the County Schools, the Board has the responsibility for assessing how well goals are being accomplished.

    The Board shall fulfill this responsibility by establishing a means for the continued evaluation of results which shall be systematic and specific, including but not limited to the means established in West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2322.

    Student Assessment

    The Board of Education shall assess student achievement and needs in all program areas in compliance with the law and West Virginia Board of Education policies, including but not limited to West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340