Roane County Schools

  • << Policy 221 - Program of Study for Early Learning Programs (Grades PK through 5)
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  • Policy 222 - Program of Study for Middle School (Grades 6 through 8)

    Adopted on June 22, 2023

    Effective July 1, 2023

    The county shall provide for a curriculum of rigorous and challenging coursework, career-focused experiences, and awareness of postsecondary education and employment to all students in grades 6 through 8. This curriculum shall comply with and / or exceed the requirements specified by West Virginia state law and West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) policy.

    Uniform grading

    All areas on which students are evaluated which represent instruction in the standards-focused curriculum as required by WVBE Policy 2510, including English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, music, visual art, and wellness education, shall be assigned letter grades based on the percentage of mastery of the content as follows.

    A: 90% - 100%, 4 quality points

    B: 80% - 89%, 3 quality points

    C: 70% - 79%, 2 quality points

    D: 60% - 69%, 1 quality points

    F: 59% or less, 0 quality points

    Any courses provided to students in grades 6 through 8 which represent enrichment, exploration, and/or intervention, but which are not also represented in the standards-focused curriculum as required by WVBE Policy 2510, may be graded as follows. It shall be the responsibility of the principal of the school to establish at the beginning of the year if a course will be graded using this alternate grading scale.

    O: Outstanding

    S: Satisfactory

    U: Unsatisfactory

    N: No Grade Assigned

    Honor Roll

    School principals may publish a list(s) of students who have achieved academic excellence as measured by grade point average (GPA) at the end of each instructional term and/or year. For the purposes of these recognitions, GPA shall be computed by adding the assigned quality points earned during that instruction term or year for all courses for which the Uniform Grading Scale is applied and dividing that sum by the total number of courses offered on each typical school day or equivalent. Courses that are offered irregularly or on a rotating daily schedule shall be considered proportionally to the time students are actually present in the courses as compared to other regular and/or daily courses.

    The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines governing honor roll publication method(s) and frequency and student eligiblity.

    Placement, Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration

    Students shall be assigned to grade levels upon enrollment as appropriate to their social, emotional, and academic development. The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines to detail the process that schools shall use to place, promote, retain, and accelerate students, as appropriate, and the responsibilities and expectations of all involved stakeholders, including but not limited to students, teachers, principals, and parents.