Roane County Schools

  • << Policy 412 - Educational Opportunity for Military Children
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  • Policy 420 - Attendance

    Adopted on July 25, 2024

    Effective July 25, 2024

    The educational program offered by this Board is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The Board recognizes that a direct relationship exists between students' daily attendance and academic performance, graduation, and good work habits in the workplace. To facilitate good attendance this school system will maintain a positive, safe environment conducive to learning, and commit to helping students develop responsibility, self-discipline, and other good work habits.


    For the definitions of the following terms, see West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4110:


         Allowable Deductions for Schools



         Dropout Date


         Homeless Children and Youths

         School of Origin


    For the definition of the following terms, see West Virginia Code 18-8-4 (a) (3):

         Excused Absence

         Unexcused Absence

    Further terms to be defined are as follows:

    Awaiting Foster Care Placement

    Any child or youth who:

    A.     is in the custody of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources;

    B.     has been placed in out-of-home care; and

    C.     is not in a permanent placement.

    This includes, but is not limited to, children and youth in family foster care, kinship care, emergency shelter care or in a residential group home.


    Any student who arrives at school after the start of the school day or is late reporting to his/her assigned location during the school day shall be considered tardy. A tardy may be excused or unexcused as determined by the school.


    A.     Student and Parent/Guardian/Custodian

    Foremost, it is the legal responsibility of the parent, guardian, or custodian to make sure their child attends school regularly and on time while enrolled in school. Attendance and reporting to class on time shall be required of all students enrolled in the schools during the days and hours that the school is in session or during the attendance sessions to which s/he has been assigned.

    B.     Parent/Guardian/Custodian/Adult Student

    Each Principal shall require, from the parent, guardian, or custodian of each student of compulsory school age or from an adult student who has been absent from school or from class for any reasons, a written statement on the day of return of the cause for such absence. The Board reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of each single absence or prolonged absence. These statements must be submitted within three instructional days of the student's return to school after an absence.

    Repeated infractions of Board policy on attendance, including repeated tardiness, may result in disciplinary actions which may include, but are not limited to, detention, extra class time, and/or alternative class settings. No student shall be suspended from school solely due to absenteeism or tardiness.

    C.     Board

    The Board shall employ an attendance director as required by WV Code 18-8-3.

    The Board shall support and require the attendance director to implement and execute the duties as defined in WV Code 18-8-4 including the requirement to serve as the liaison for homeless children and youth.

    The Board shall support and require the principal of each school to implement and execute the duties as defined in WV Code 18-8-5.

    D.     Attendance Director

    The attendance director shall perform the duties required in WV Code 18-8-4 and West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4110. Under the direction of the Superintendent, these duties may be supplemented or supported by principals and other school employees as needed. Furthermore, under the direction of the Superintendent, duties prescribed by state law or policy to be the responsibility of the attendance director or of principal(s) may be performed by either.

    E.      Principal

    The principal shall perform the duties as defined in WV Code 18-8-4 and 18-8-5 and West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4110 as appropriate. Specifically, it shall be the responsibility of the principal to make meaningful contact with any and all students who have accumulated three unexcused absences during a school year, along with their parents or guardians of the same. This contact shall be made to ascertain the reasons for these absences and propose a plan to support regular attendance of the student for the remainder of the school year. Meaningful contact shall additionally be made after a student has accumulated five unexcused absences during a school year.

    Principles of Operation

    A.     The principal or principal's designee are designated as school attendance coordinators and shall collect or cause to be collected classroom attendance data and make appropriate referrals to the attendance director.

    B.     Persons charged with reporting student attendance information shall provide information that reflects allowable deductions as defined by the West Virginia Department of Education.

    C.    Tardiness is considered to be disruptive behavior by a student and is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and shall be dealt with accordingly. The preventive measures, outlined in a separate section of this policy, shall be observed to reduce tardiness.

    D.     Students may not be suspended solely for failure to attend class or due to tardiness. Other measures of discipline may include, but are not limited to detention, extra class time or alternative class settings.

    E.      All school dropouts shall be reported to the West Virginia Department of Education.

    F.      All students in grades 9-12, in order to obtain the full benefit from the educational programs offered, shall be scheduled in the defined high school curriculum, college courses, career/technical programs, credit recovery, Option Pathway, experiential learning or virtual school courses for the full instructional day for four years .

    Process and Procedures

    Parental awareness, support, and involvement are essential to a successful attendance policy. Parents are encouraged to support the policy by sending their children to school regularly and on time. The Board recognizes the importance of the home and school connection and strongly encourages parents to become aware of the policies and regulations of the Board and their child(ren)'s school. Parents should become familiar with the rights and responsibilities that are contained in this policy and the school's handbook. Parents will be notified of this policy annually by the principal during the first week of school. Parents of students enrolling in school after the beginning of the school term will be provided the policy within one week of registration.

    Students will be provided the opportunity to make-up work missed as a result of an excused or unexcused absence. The make up work shall be completed within one additional full day for each day's absence missed during such absence.

    Students and parents have the right to appeal decisions regarding the implementation of this policy. Requesting an informal conference shall be the first step in the appeal. If not satisfied after the informal appeal, a citizens' appeal may be filed.

    Maintenance of Records

    An accurate, up to date, daily record of attendance for every student shall be maintained using the West Virginia Information System (WVEIS). Data entry may occur through a separate system(s), but all data must be promptly transferred to WVEIS.

    Students who are physically absent from school must be documented as absent.

    Prevention and Corrective Measures

    Each school shall develop and implement a system of incentives and rewards to promote school attendance and to reduce tardiness. Parents, school staff, and students must be involved in its development. These systems or programs may consist, but are not limited to personal and group, recognition programs, granting special privileges, free admission to school and community events, etc.

    The following preventive and corrective measures will be utilized:

    A.     assign the student to a truancy intervention program

    B.     provide counseling to the student

    C.     request or require the student's parent to attend a parental involvement program

    D.     request or require a parent to attend a truancy prevention mediation program

    E.      take appropriate legal action

    The Superintendent is authorized to establish an educational program for parents of habitually and chronically truant students which is designed to encourage parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly.

    Any parent who does not complete the program may be reported to law enforcement authorities for parental education neglect.

    Students with a pattern of excessive absenteeism shall be referred to appropriate student assistance teams/programs  for appropriate interventions. Student assistant teams/programs shall periodically review interventions to determine their effectiveness.

    Absence During the School Day for Professional Appointments

    Parents are to be encouraged to schedule medical, dental, legal, and other necessary appointments other than during the school day. Since this is not always possible, when a student is to be absent for part of the day:

    A.     the student shall have a statement to that effect from his/her parents;

    B.     the student shall bring a signed statement from the doctor, dentist, lawyers, counselor, etc. to the effect that s/he reported promptly for the appointment;

    C.     the student shall report back to school immediately after his/her appointment if school is still in session.

    The Board shall consider each student assigned to a program of other guided learning experiences to be in regular attendance for the program provided that s/he reports to such staff member s/he is assigned for guidance at the place in which s/he is conducting study, and regularly demonstrates progress toward the objectives of the course of study. This includes approved home/hospital instruction for medical reasons with written documentation by a licensed physician who specializes in that health condition setting forth those extenuating circumstances requiring homebound instruction for a student deemed to be incapacitated and unable to attend school. The Board shall provide home/hospital instruction to students who are temporarily unable to attend classes for a period that has lasted or will last for more than three consecutive weeks or more due to an injury or for any other reason as certified by a licensed physician who specializes in that health condition.

    Absences for Religious Instruction

    The Board desires to cooperate with those parents who wish to provide for religious instruction for their children but also recognizes its responsibility to enforce the attendance requirements of the State.

    Upon the signed request of a student's parent, the Board will allow exceptions to the student's continuous attendance at school for religious instruction outside the school building by an authorized church or religious organization when such exception is consistent with other policy and neither discriminates against nor favors any particular religious practice.

    A student seeking such exception must be properly registered and a copy of such registration must be filed with the principal.

    The time for release for religious instruction or education shall be arranged by the principal. S/He will also assure the appropriate continuance of the instructional program in the public school during such release times, consistent with other Board policy.

    No solicitation for attendance at religious instruction shall be permitted on school system premises. No staff member shall encourage or discourage participation in any religious instructional program.

    Late Arrival and Early Dismissal

    The Board recognizes that from time-to-time compelling circumstances require that a student be late to school or dismissed before the end of the school day.

    As agent responsible for the education of the children of this County, the Board shall require that the school be notified in advance of such absences by written request of the student's parent, which shall state the reason for the late arrival or early dismissal. Justifiable reasons shall be determined by the principal.

    Routine early dismissals necessary for a student to receive ongoing special medical care, psychiatric or psychological assistance, professional counseling, or related personal training will be granted if prior approval is obtained from the principal. The submission of a personal treatment or training plan detailing the objectives and activities of the program is required before the principal will consider the issuance of a "Standing Approval for Late Arrival or Early Dismissal" for the requesting student. The principal may require professional verification of the need for such care from the provider of such services. Verification of participation is required upon the student's return to school after each early dismissal.

    If one parent has been awarded custody of the student by the courts, the parent of custody shall provide the school with a copy of the custody order and inform the school in writing of any limitations in the rights of the non-custodial parent. Absent such notice, the school will presume that the student may be released into the care of either parent.

    No student who has a medical disability which may be incapacitating may be released without a person approved by the parent(s) or legal guardian to accompany him/her.

    No student shall be released to anyone who is not authorized such custody by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).