Roane County Schools

  • Series 600 - Buildings and Grounds
  • Policy 611 - Use of County Facilities >>
  • Policy 610 - Facilities Maintenance

    Adopted on August 25, 2022

    Effective August 25, 2022

    The Board recognizes that the fixed assets of this County represent a significant investment of this community and their maintenance is of prime concern to the Board.

    The Board directs the conduct of a continuous program of inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation for the preservation of all school buildings and equipment. Wherever possible and feasible, maintenance shall be preventive.

    The Superintendent shall develop, for implementation by the custodial (and maintenance) staff, a maintenance program which shall include:

    1. a regular summer program of facilities repair and conditioning;
    2. the maintenance of a critical spare parts inventory;
    3. an equipment replacement program;
    4. a long-range program of building modernization;
    5. repair or replacement of equipment or facilities for energy conservation, safety, or other environmental factors.

    The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines as may be necessary for the ongoing maintenance and good order of the physical plant and for the expeditious repair of those conditions which threaten the safety of the occupants or the integrity of the plant.

    Hygienic Management of County Facilities

    The Board recognizes that the health and physical well-being of the students of this County depends in large measure upon the cleanliness and sanitary management of the schools.

    The Board directs that a program of hygienic management be instituted in the schools and explained annually to all staff members.

    The Superintendent shall request the Director of Operations to inspect each school for cleanliness and sanitation not less than twice each year.

    The Superintendent shall prepare, in consultation with the County school nurse, procedures for the handling and disposal of body wastes and fluids. Such procedures shall include the protection of staff members who clean or handle blood or blood-soaked items, vomitus, saliva, urine, or feces; the disinfection of surfaces and items in contact with such matter; the disposal of such matter in sealed containers; and the frequent and thorough cleansing of hands and any other body parts that contact such matter.

    The Superintendent shall develop and supervise a program for the cleanliness and sanitary management of the school buildings, on school grounds, and school equipment pursuant to law.

    The cleanliness of each school building shall be the responsibility of the principal.

    Risk Reduction Program

    The Board believes that the employees and students of this County, as well as visitors, are entitled to function in an environment as free from hazards as can reasonably be provided. In this regard and in accordance with law, the Board will provide reasonable protection to the lives, safety, and health of its employees and students, in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.

    The Superintendent shall be responsible for the maintenance of standards in the facilities to prevent accidents and to minimize their consequences. The Superintendent shall designate an employee to conduct periodic audits of health and safety conditions within the facilities of the County Schools and to take appropriate action related thereto.

    The Superintendent shall ascertain that the employees and students of Roane County Schools are aware of their rights to an environment free of recognized hazards, that they are properly trained in safety methods, that protective devices and equipment are available to meet safety standards, and that proper rules and records are maintained to meet the requirements of the law.

    In the event an inspection is made by a representative of the State, the Superintendent shall report the results thereof to the Board at the meeting following the receipt of the State report.

    Facility Security

    The Superintendent shall develop and supervise a program for the security of the County's students, staff, visitors, school buildings, school grounds, and school equipment in compliance with State and Federal laws. Such a program may include electronic and / or mechanical entry control and monitoring devices, guidelines regarding the admittance of visitors to schools and other facilities, the requirement of prominently visible identifying instruments for any and all individuals present at a school facility, and the use of video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices in appropriate public areas in and around the schools and other County facilities, and on school buses.

    Every effort shall be made to apprehend those who knowingly cause serious physical harm to students, staff, visitors, and Board property and require prosecution of those who bring harm to persons and/or property. Students causing physical harm to County property will, at a minimum, face those consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Board may seek repair to rectify the damage or the payment of a fee to cover repairs. A reward may be offered for apprehending such persons.

    Appropriate authorities may be contacted in the case of serious offenses.

    The Superintendent is authorized to install metal detectors and other security devices which would assist in the detection of guns and dangerous weapons in school buildings; on County property; and/or at Board-sponsored/controlled events.

    The Superintendent shall report to the Board each major case of vandalism and the extent of the damage.

    Video and / or Audio Monitoring and Recording

    The Board authorizes the use of video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices at various Board facilities and on school buses. This equipment shall be used to protect Board property and assets from theft and vandalism, through deterrence and video and / or audio documentation. The system is not designed nor intended to protect individuals from being victims of violent or property crimes, nor to detect other potentially illegal and undesirable activities that may occur, although information may be used as evidence in such cases.

    The monitoring of actions and behavior of individuals who come onto school property is a significant factor in maintaining order and discipline and protecting students, staff, visitors, and school and student property. Video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices serve to complement other means being employed in the County to promote and foster a safe and secure teaching and learning environment for students and staff. The Board recognizes that the use of video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices does not replace the need for the ongoing vigilance of the school staff assigned by the building principal to monitor and supervise the school building. Rather, these serve as an appropriate and useful tool with which to augment or support the in-person supervision provided by staff. The building principal is responsible for verifying that due diligence is observed in maintaining general campus security.

    The Superintendent is responsible for determining where to install and operate fixed-location video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices in the County. The determination of where and when to use this equipment will be made in a nondiscriminatory manner. Video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices may be placed in common areas in school buildings (e.g., school hallways, entryways, the front office where students, employees and visitors are permitted to freely come and go, gymnasiums, cafeterias, libraries), the school parking lots and other outside areas, and in school buses. Except in extraordinary circumstances and with the written authorization of the Superintendent, video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices shall not be used in areas where persons have a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g., restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, private offices (unless there is express consent given by the office occupant, or conference/meeting rooms), or in individual classrooms during instructional times except as required by Policy 612 and WV Code 18-20-11. Security staff and administrators are authorized to carry and use portable video and / or audio recording devices when responding to incidents.

    Any person who takes action to block, move, or alter the location and/or viewing angle of a video and / or audio recording device shall be subject to disciplinary action.

    Legible and visible signs shall be placed at each entrance to Board facilities informing the public that video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices are in use.

    Any information obtained from video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices may only be used to support the orderly operation of the Board schools and facilities, and for law enforcement purposes, and not for any other purposes. As such, recordings obtained through the use of these systems may be used as evidence in any disciplinary proceedings, administrative proceeding or criminal proceeding, subject to Board policy and regulations. Further, such recordings may become a part of a student's education record or staff member's personnel file.

    Recordings of students will be treated as confidential. Consequently, because the Board is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), copies of video recordings containing personal identifiable information about students shall not be released except to school officials with legitimate educational interests. Parents or guardians of minor students, and students who are eighteen years of age or older, who are charged with disciplinary violations may view relevant portions of any video recording related to the charge, upon written request to the building principal, provided that viewing the recording does not violate State and/or Federal law (i.e., the privacy rights of any other students whose images appear on the recording). Likewise, school personnel may view relevant portions of any video relating to any disciplinary charge against them, upon written request to the building principal, provided that viewing the recording does not violate State and/or Federal law (i.e., the privacy rights of any students whose images appear on the recordings). Otherwise, such confidential recordings shall only be released through subpoena or court order.

    The Board shall maintain video and / or audio recordings for a limited period dependent on the hardware capabilities of the equipment in use. Except for those recordings made pursuant to Policy 612 and WV Code 18-20-11, any request to view a recording under this policy must be made within seven days of the event/incident. Recordings may also be kept beyond the normal retention period if they are going to be utilized for training purposes.

    This policy does not address or cover instances where school officials record a specific event (e.g., a play, music performance, athletic contest, graduation, or Board meeting), or an isolated instance where a classroom is recorded for educational or research purposes. Authorized recording for educational, instructional and/or research purposes is permitted and is not addressed by this policy.

    The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines to address the use of video and / or audio monitoring and recording devices in school buildings, school buses and on property owned and/or operated by the Board.

    Conservation of Natural and Material Resources

    The increasing costs of natural energy resources coupled with the growing need to inhibit pollution, mandate, the County implement strategies which will conserve all forms of energy used.

    The Superintendent shall develop and implement both immediate and long-range plans to meet these concerns. Such administrative guidelines and procedures established in accordance herewith shall be properly observed by all members of the staff and strongly supported both in the educational programming and in staff interactions with students.